[osg-users] OsgMovie ffmpeg and audio (SDL2) - Audio seems to make video slower. Audio has hiccoughing

Voerman, L. l.voerman at rug.nl
Mon Jun 11 08:41:43 PDT 2018

Hi Andrea,
To display the usage of the cpu cores in the task viewer you need to right
click the cpu graph, select "Change graph to" and select "Logical
>From "overall usage" we cannot see if that's one core at 100% and the rest
near zero or something else.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 5:33 PM, Andrea Martini <martini.andrea at gmail.com>

> Hi Voerman,
> thank you for your fast replay.
> I looked at post you suggested, and i downloaded (and compiled) the
> FFmpegDecoderVideo.zip
> Unfortunally, i get the same result.
> Following i attached some graphical information about stats and CPU usage.
> Cheers,
> Andrea
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