[osg-users] OsgMovie ffmpeg and audio (SDL2) - Audio seems to make video slower. Audio has hiccoughing

Voerman, L. l.voerman at rug.nl
Mon Jun 11 08:08:55 PDT 2018

Hi Andrea,
did you have a look at the load on the cpu cores? The slowdown seems to
indicate a cpu core hitting 100% load.
this link might help you further:
Regards, Laurens.

On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 4:36 PM, Andrea Martini <martini.andrea at gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> i'm using osg3.5.6 on visual studio 2013 (windows 10), and i'm using
> ffmpeg  plugin combined with SDL2 to play video and audio streaming with
> osgmovie example.
> If i don't use SDL2 (no audio), video streaming works fine.
> If i add SDL2 (audio), i get two bad results:
> 1) video stream get slower
> 2) Audio has hiccoughing
> I tryied with some video examples (with different resolutions) but i get
> the same result.
> Following, i report audio streaming output displayed on the console:
> ffmpeg::open(C:\Movie\surfers_360.mp4) size(2048, 1024) aspect ratio 1
> Attaching FFmpegAudioStream
> AudioStream read []
> FFmpegAudioStream::setAudioSink( 00000277C50FEEE0)
> Assigning 00000277C50FEEE0
> image->s()2048 image-t()=1024 aspectRatio=1
> SDLAudioSink()::startPlaying()
>   audioFrequency()=48000
>   audioNbChannels()=2
>   audioSampleFormat()=4
>   SampleFormat  = SAMPLE_FORMAT_F32
> I'm wondering if i should continue with ffmpeg and sdl libraries, or i
> have to look at another one. In this last case, could you suggest me some
> way to follow? (link, examples, ...)
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=74033#74033
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