[osg-users] Draw geometry on demand

Werner.Modenbach at texion.eu Werner.Modenbach at texion.eu
Sun Jun 10 12:21:36 PDT 2018

Hi Tyler,
if you set a new vertex array or change an existing on in a drawable of the scene graph it should show the changes in the next render frame. There is no need for doing something special. Maybe you have to set the modified array sorry. That's all.

On 10. Juni 2018 09:53:34 MESZ, Tyler Durden <mynewphoneaaaa at gmail.com> wrote:
>I like to know how to redraw geometry on demand.
>I have a osg:geometry with attached VertexArray and PrimitiveSet.
>I need to send draw command to redraw geometry.
>I see there is a "draw" method in DrawElements class, but that wants 
>an osg::State that i dont know how to get. 
>Or alternatively is there any other procedure how to do that, like some
>Can anyone help me?
>Thank you!
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