[osg-users] Announcement: VulkanSceneGraph and SceneGraphTestBed!

Björn Blissing bjorn.blissing at vti.se
Thu Jun 7 02:32:03 PDT 2018

robertosfield wrote:
> > And maybe this time we will get header files with the .h extension. ;)
> > 
> Maybe, no decisions made yet, but I'm also not polling for opinions,
> the VulkanSceneGraph isn't a design by committee.
> My initial code experiments have .hpp but frankly it's ugly as hell as
> well as stupid - there's no header plus plus language so I'm rapidly
> tiring of .hpp. Code should to be a thing of beauty not some ugly
> kludge.  .h makes sense as it's a header, .cpp makes sense for source
> files as it's C++. 

The ISO cpp guidelines recommend using .h for headers and .cpp for source:

robertosfield wrote:
> However, public headers are placed into include
> directories and that's their role, we know they are headers because
> that's why we put them there, so the .h should be superfluous for
> public headers and the standard C++ headers illustrate this.  If 3rd
> party tools/editors can't even handle the extension less C++ standard
> library headers then they aren't really up to the job.

As a Visual Studio user I do disagree (since Visual Studio really seems to dislike extensionless headers). But I also recognize that the decision is your prerogative to make as creator. 


Read this topic online here:

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