[osg-users] [build] CMake can not find include files

Peter Klose peter_klose at gmx.de
Sun Jun 3 15:38:52 PDT 2018

Hi Sam,
i do not have any binaries so i don't see any way to set a path to it?
I am trying to build binaries and my hope was the delivered cmakelists.txt would be the key for this. As Robert pointed out the cmakelists.txt file in the src/osg directory should do the job but it spits the weird error that a cmake command is unknown to cmake. Weird.

sam wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Not sure how you're attempting to compile OSG but I'd recommend you'd do the following:
>> From here I would hit Configure and then Generate. Open up the ALL_BUILD project and right-click OpenThreads and hit build. This will ensure all the dependencies are in place.
> On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 9:49 AM Robert Osfield < ()> wrote:
> > HI Peter,
> > 
> > It's the OpenSceneGraph/CMakeLists.txt that it the one you should open
> > in CMakeSetup.  All the CMakeLists.txt below this will rely upon all
> > the setting/includes that it sets up.
> > 
> > Robert.
> > 
> > 
> > 
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