[osg-users] Graphics context issues

Sebastian Messerschmidt sebastian.messerschmidt at gmx.de
Tue Jul 10 00:42:42 PDT 2018

Hi Ryan,
> Your code works when my laptop is using Intel graphics, but when I switch to Nvidia graphics, the glGetString calls fail for some reason (maybe the GL context isn't switching?).  Strange.
> Switching the whole app to single-threaded works for both.

That's indeed strange. The snippet I provided might not do all the 
necessary checks however. I use a similar piece of code in my projects 
to ensure compatibility and it worked on a wide range of GPU/driver 
combinations at least on Windows and Mac-Platforms.

Can you create a minimal _compilable_ example, so more people might 
check what is wrong?


> Ryan
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=74297#74297
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