[osg-users] osgText::Text display issue (only white boxes rendered)

Helmut Puhr eskay187 at gmx.at
Mon Jan 1 03:36:57 PST 2018

Hi again,
  I found the issue. While I compiled the example you requested, I disabled the LogarithmicDepthBuffer I used, and voila, both issues were resolved.

I used the following code in the scene set up:

osg::Camera* camera = osg_viewer_->getCamera();
LogarithmicDepthBuffer logdepth;

This somehow messed up the display, for reasons unknown to me. So it seems that everything works with the Viewer and also in the Qt5 setup, if this devious LogarithmicDepthBuffer is not used.

So, thanks for your support!

mp3butcher wrote:
> Hi
> Thank for the effort but it seams your example is still based on a QT graphic context.
> In order to determine if the bug come from osg or from qt, you should use a classic osgUtil::CompositeViewer (OSGViewDataWidget is a QtWidget  coming from osgEarth, so  removing it is mandatory in order to determine if there's a bug in core osg)

Read this topic online here:


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