[osg-users] [Non-DoD Source] Re: 3.2.3 Tag Missing

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sat Feb 3 06:46:06 PST 2018

Hi Karl,

On 2 February 2018 at 15:41, Cary, Karl A CTR NSWCCD West Bethesda,
7340 <karl.a.cary.ctr at navy.mil> wrote:
> Did you ever figure out what happened here?

No, I looked into what we have in git but there isn't a 3.2.3 tag like
there should be.  I don't know what happened there, either when we
imported from svn to git this tag didn't get imported or that there
was an error in the script that should tag the release, or... I didn't
actually run it as I should have....

I don't have a time machine so we'll never know.

>  Is taking the tip of the 3.2 branch equivalent to grabbing the 3.2.3 build?

3.2 head has lots of changes since the 12 August 2015 release data of
3.2.3 so it's not the same.

I have just checked out the commit on the 12th of August that will
have been the last one for the 3.2.3 release and if it builds fine
I'll create a tag for this.

Probably makes sense to update the version number to 3.2.4 on this
branch and tag this.  I would require some testing though...  I'm not
in position right now to go corral the community into testing and
making the release myself as I have other pressing work to get on
with.  If required I could do this later in the month.


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