[osg-users] BindImageTexture Crash

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 11:08:57 PST 2018

This bug is related to how unrefaffterapply is implemented
Do you think this feature could be modified to release only Image data and not the whole Image (make Image and Imagedataproxy)?
This mod could lead to 
-generalization BufferObject to TextureObject 
-serialization homogenization (release only data and keep filename to load it if required)

Hope i'm clear...

mp3butcher wrote:
> Yes, I'm not surprised
> my last pr was merged a bit too soon and may introduce a bug...
> I mentionned it wasn't clean but Robert merge it anyway
> My fault: I take pr more as a channel of communication than real candidates to merge
> dcfennell wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > The latest submission for BindImageTexture will crash. It's expecting a buffer object, which is new. The osgcomputeshaders example, which uses BindImageTexture, will also crash with this latest change.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > 
> > DC

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