[osg-users] Precipitation problems

Bruce Clay bclay1297 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 13:51:01 PST 2018

We are trying to integrate precipitation from the OSG examples into an osgEarth application.  In the initial attempt the application crashed every time we zoomed out beyond a certain point.  In the current application included ass attachment it no longer crashes but we still have orientation problems.  This issue was reported on the forum a couple years back as a geocentric issue.  I can get the snow to appear and it looks normal until I try to rotate the earth to be tangent to the surface.  The it disappears. We could use the precipitation if we could put it in a transform but that did not work either.  Even if it was loosely attached to the camera so we could push it out in front of the viewer some distance and not try to show the particle until the viewer was close to the tangent line.

Read this topic online here:

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