[osg-users] Drawable - recent commit causing problems

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 08:37:05 PDT 2018

Hi Glenn,

Ahhhh,  Fix one problem create another...

The Drawable::releaseGLObjects() was added to the destrcutor fix a bug
with VertexArrayState not being cleaned up.  Calling the
StateSet::releaseGLObjects() should be safe if it's not shared, but it
would be inappropriate to call it when shared, or at least
inappropriate when done in the context of the destrucutor.

Next week I'll return to the OSG for a bit so will have a look at it then.


On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 at 13:17, Glenn Waldron <gwaldron at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I pulled the latest OpenSceneGraph-3.6 branch and this change is causing rendering artifacts in osgEarth:
> https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/commit/3808b298d1c5076daeb9d7644dc40b5038fb349c
> I use Drawables that share the same StateSet. When the Drawable destructor calls releaseGLObjects() directly, that shared StateSet also gets its releaseGLObjects() function called and this causes ill effects on still-active Drawables.
> Other Node types don't do this (call releaseGLObjects from the DTOR) so I'm wondering whether this was intentional, or whether this is exposing something I'm doing wrong on my end.
> Glenn Waldron / osgEarth
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