[osg-users] setGLExtensionFuncPtr priority

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 12:10:43 PDT 2018

yes osgbindlesstext example should fail on your arch as on mine:
black textured disaplyed

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Julien.
> On Sun, 26 Aug 2018 at 16:29, Julien Valentin
> <> wrote:
> > My plateform is Ubuntu LTS with Nvidia proprietary driver
> > I noticed the bug come and go when update my system (Lately, it comes back when updating to 18.04 with nvidia-390)
> > 
> I have Kubuntu 18.04 + Nvidia 390.48 on my system so I'll see if I can
> reproduce the issue.
> To reproduce the problem do I simply as running osgbindlesstext?

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