[osg-users] Core Profile: glEnable/glDisable GL_POINT_SPRITE

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 00:27:04 PDT 2018

Hi Dan,

On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 23:15, Daniel Emminizer, Code 5773
<dan.emminizer at nrl.navy.mil> wrote:
> Still a low priority because I am able to work around in my own code.  But wanted to make sure this doesn't get lost in the traffic about texture modes in other threads.  The original message had an example .cpp that demonstrated the issue.
> Is it worthwhile to create an issue on the github issue tracker?

If I am not able to address the problem right away then it would make
sense to put it into the Issue tracker to make it easier to find, a
reference back to any associated thread on osg-users ML/forum would
help too.

I will spend some time on it this morning, so no need to add it to
Issue right away, hopefully I'll have a fix before you get online!


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