[osg-users] Can't share Texture among several texture unit?

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 16:06:16 PDT 2018

After Merging with master I had a bug in the beginning of the year
diggin for the bug i found that there were changes in Texture base class and that because of some kind of propertization of the textureunit as Texture member variables, Textures I used with different texture unit (in different stateset) doesn't display anymore

There's no urge as the release doesn't include this new feature (i think), but this could lead to break backward compatibility.

At first glance, making tu member of TextureAttribute seams a bad design but there surely a reason...
Further, I can't see any usecase where TextureAttributes in the same stateset share a common texture unit :/ so getMember of textures may stay: return 0 

I suspect its use is to conform with the pragma pipeline but I can understand in what way.
If you can explain me the main reason of this huge change I would be welcome

Thank you!


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