[osg-users] VAO Resource Leak in OSG 3.6.2

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 11:50:33 PDT 2018

I have checked in a fix for the leaking of the VAS objects:


The solution was to call the releaseGLObjects(),  but done in a way to
avoid a the Drawable destructor calling the
Geometry::releaseGLObjects() - I explictly call the
Drawable::releaseGLObjects() and Geometry::releaseGLObjects() within
the respective destructors.  I also modified the releaseGLObjects() to
properly handle the release of the VAS objects.

With this fix the leaking_vao test program no longer consumes and ever
increasing amount of memory :-)

The fix is checked into OSG-3.6 and master.


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