[osg-users] Shadow in GraphicsWindowEmbedded

Cong Ye sirian_ye at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 16 00:52:51 PDT 2018

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Cong,
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2018 at 06:32, Cong Ye <> wrote:
> > I agree this is a problem. But i don't think it causes the shadow not displays in embedded window problem. Could I ask where can I specific the graphicscontext to shadow camera? That may be the problem? Didn't find any methods in shadow technology to do that.
> > 
> It all depends on how you are doing shadowing.
> If you are using the osgShadow NodeKist then it'll create FBO's for
> the shadow map generation and won't need a separate graphics context,
> just put a ShadowedScene node into your scene graph as per the
> osgshadow example and you should be OK.
> If you are rolling your own shadows then you'll need to explain more
> about your setup for us to give you direction.
> Robert.
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I am currently using the osgShadow NodeKist. It only works when I use osgViewer as default graphics context. Now the case is, I have to assign a third party graphics context to the main camera as we are using a Qt Gui for buttons etc. After I assign osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded to the main camera, the scene cannot be drawn. Only clear color is displayed. So I assume that since the graphics context has been changed, do i have to specify where the shadow texture need to be binded?

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