[osg-users] Minor change proposal : Blacklist usage of all unsized texture internat format

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 09:03:24 PDT 2018

Immutable Storage  mandatory for lot of GL4 features:
TextureImage synchronization,TextureView, persistance mapping, virtual texture and surely other stuff I didn't used yet

Further it's better for the driver checks

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Julien,
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2018 at 16:35, Julien Valentin
> <> wrote:
> > I'll do the pr you want from me
> > (with this ugly patch code:
> > 
> > Code:
> > 
> > ex for Texture2D:
> > if( useTexStorrage)
> > extensions->glTexStorage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, (_numMipmapLevels >0)?_numMipmapLevels:1,
> > _sourceFormat ? assumeSizedInternalFormat(_internalFormat,_sourceFormat) :
> > assumeSizedInternalFormat(_internalFormat,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE),
> > _textureWidth, _textureHeight);
> > )
> > 
> > 
> It is indeed ugly change, the best way to avoid this code complexity
> would be to push the test into a dedicated helper method such
> selectInternalFormat().  I don't saying this is the actual solution to
> go for but that's the general way to avoid extra tests from
> obfuscating local code.
> --
> However, having don't a first pass look into the wider glTexStorage
> issue I'm truck by just by adding glTexStorage* usage is what is
> complicating all the texture setup code, as glTexStorage isn't
> available everywhere we can't remove the old glTexImage calls, so we
> are stuck with two code paths, in some case these two code paths have
> lots of nested if () blocks within them so it's a substantial amount
> of code that is being added.
> Every line of extra code is an extra potential sight for bugs, every
> extra optional code path adds another platform combination that needs
> testing - and as us developers are limited resource each of these code
> paths has less usage exposure, the less exposure the more likely bugs
> are likely to creep into the code without being spotted.
> So for code quality we need to avoid optional code path where
> possible.  If we have to introduce an optional code path it has to be
> justified by real functionality.
> So for the topic of glTexStorage I'm asking do we *really* need it,
> what things can't be done without it's usage.
> What is the killer feature that requires use of glTexSorage?  This is
> an honest question, I want to know.
> Robert.
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