[osg-users] Crash when using LineSegmentIntersector

Sam Brkopac brkopac at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 02:16:50 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

Thanks for taking the time to write up your post - very informative.

> For a modern scene graph I wouldn't create any Geode's at all.

Most of the OSG examples use Geodes. What is the type you would use for a modern scene graph?

> However, as I've only seen a tiny snippet of your code and explanation
> I can't really say where you've understanding of how best to implement
> what you need has gone off in the weeds.

This is a very real possibility. To keep it short and sweet: I have a plugin that returns a geode from a custom file format. There is supporting data associated with the format such as walkable flags. I use Geodes to group together drawables (using the visitor) to draw them if the user wants to see them. Basically debug data for the node.

> Another general comment is that it's not recommend practice to go
> adding objects to the scene graph from within a NodeVisitor.

Understood. Is there a best practice I can align myself with? Should I be handling that all in the plugin loader and potentially use something like osg::Switch to turn them on and off?

Thanks, Sam

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