[osg-users] Crash when using LineSegmentIntersector

Sam Brkopac brkopac at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 15:04:09 PDT 2018

Hi All,

I have a custom plugin that loads mesh data and then also loads the walkable flag information that is associated with that node. When doing a LineSegmentIntersector to pick the node in the scene everything works perfectly well - until I apply the visitor and append the geometry with the walkable faces. Once the visitor has completed and the user goes to click in the scene, I get a crash. I've managed to create a small example that reproduces the crash.

The stack trace seems to indicate that when the IntersectionVisitor attempts to call Geode::getDrawable() it returns a null drawable. Please note that I do see the proper geometry drawing when the visitor is applied.


Thanks, Sam

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