[osg-users] OSG Python bindings

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 04:24:48 PDT 2018

Hi Joel,

I don't know of any active Python/OSG projects.

There is integrated Lua support, see the
OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/lua, this leverages the OSG's
serailizers to set/get properties from the scene graph as well as
create scene graph objects.  You could possible us this instead of

If Python support was to be added for the OSG the approach I would
recommend is using the same approach that the lua plugin uses -
utilizing the osg::ScriptEngine and osgDB::ClassInterface classes as
the Lua plugin does.


On 20 April 2018 at 23:12, Joel Reed <golden.yak2006 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone aware of any active projects on OSG bindings for Python, or if there are any plans/interest in creating them?
> There used to be osgswig and osgBoostPython among others, but they all seem to be abandoned.
> Thanks
> -Joel
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