[osg-users] get some "std::bad_alloc" exception in DatabasePager::DatabaseThread::run---readNodeFile function

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 04:26:34 PDT 2018

Hi Guojiang,

On 24 April 2018 at 11:57, Guojiang Zheng <osgforum at tevs.eu> wrote:
>  In my application i add smart3d osgb tiles data. When i view this scene after a while, my application get some "std::bad_alloc" exception in DatabasePager::DatabaseThread::run---readNodeFile function,which cause the DatabaseThead crash. How can I resolve this problem?

My best guess is that your application is running out of memory.
That's all I can say at this stage as you've provided so little

I know nothing about your application, your data, your hardware. OS,
what version of the OSG, how much memory is being used. basically none
of the information that is necessary to set providing advice of what
is possible to do next.


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