[osg-users] How to set mouse position

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 12:13:04 PDT 2018

I'm beginning the implementation of my own StandardManipulator
and would like to make a classic fps controller.
So mouse must stay centered all delta mouse pos be captured
However I found out that requestWarpPointer posts a wrapMouse event both in Viewer and GraphicWindows implementations. 
it leads to duplication of the event (which is not so bad) but more dramatic, it prevent to recenter mouse without trigger an osgevent.
Is it a desired behavior?

robertosfield wrote:
> HI Michael,
> On 20 December 2012 10:10, michael kapelko < ()> wrote:
> >  Can anyone tell me how to set mouse position in OSG?I tried to google it up without any success.
> > 
> viewer.requestWarpPointer(x,y);
> Robert.
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