[osg-users] Back home and taking it easy!

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 00:30:57 PDT 2018

Hi All,

The last couple of weeks has been really busy period with client work,
getting 3.6.0 out the door and then last week I was over in Germany
giving a OpenSceneGraph training course.  Phew,  all done and dusted

I am back at my home office now and as I missed my easter break will
be taking some time off over the next couple of weeks to go have some
fun in the outdoors, tend the garden, design and build some little
aircraft.  My plan is work part-time, work when it rains or when
pressing issues arise so I'll likely be on-line most days even if it's
not a full day.

My plan for my time working on the OSG in this period is to tackle any
bugs that get reported on the OSG-3.6 and master branches.  I am aware
of two issues that have arisen since the 3.6 release, one an odd
memory issue on that one user reported directly - one I can't
reproduce with the same data so can't do anything myself (I've asked
them to report the issue here to get others to test), and another
reported on github related to mixing VBO's and DisplayLists:

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