[osg-users] EXTERNAL: Re: Writing texture coordinates on a mesh without going through traversal code?

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 10:46:03 PDT 2018

On 14 April 2018 at 17:27, Rowley, Marlin R <marlin.r.rowley at lmco.com>

> Hi Robert!
> After a lot of hours staying up last night, this morning I found the
> solution.  It was surprisingly easy.
> When I get back to work on Monday I will post the code that hopefully will
> help other people in the future.  It didn’t have to be as complicated as we
> were going from before.  Especially not with VS/PS 3.0+.  Fixed-function
> pipeline is all but obsolete these days.

Fixed function is still widely used, some OSG users still just use 100%
fixed function and get on fine, other mix both, others go 100% shaders.  I
don't know your background, skills or the real requirements of your
application so at this point it's inappropriate to make assumptions about
your particular needs.

For you it might be that a mix of fixed function and shaders will be the
most productive approach, for instance you can mix fixed function with
shaders via the built in uniforms that it provides.   So with my suggestion
of looking at osg::ClipNode / osgclip example is starting place, to
illustrate an example of positional state, osg::TexGenNode would be
another.  Both of these are fixed function but also can be used directly in
shaders when you use the compatible profile or GL2 builds.

As a general note, I'm here trying to help you.  I have almost 17 years of
experience with helping new OSG users along the path of using the OSG
effectively.  One the most common troubles that I see is in users getting a
bit of ahead of themselves trying to solve the more complicated problems
before understanding the basics of the OSG, this often leads to trying to
force the OSG to work in a way that is far more complex than is actually
required.  The best way to help is not to trying a resolve the complex
route they have chosen for themselves but to get them to take a step back
and explain the end goal that they are trying to achieve rather than
solution that they have decided upon.

Once you know where they are going you can start point them in a more
productive route and then help them take baby steps along this path.  Once
they get on the right path they get to know the OSG API better and also how
to think about solutions to problems.

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