[osg-users] EXTERNAL: Re: Getting a callback to update shaders?

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 12:46:56 PDT 2018

On 10 April 2018 at 20:52, Rowley, Marlin R <marlin.r.rowley at lmco.com>

> No, I have still need the built-in matrices.  I know those get updated.
You can;t wave your arms around without telling anybody what specifically
have a problem with and I expect us to know what the problems you are and
how to answer them.

We can only guess at what you mean and point you in roughly the right
direction of what we think might be appropriate.

So please be specific about what you are looking for - tell us what data
you want to input into your shaders.

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