[osg-users] So what is the status of VR camera to be used in OSG in 2018?

David Glenn david at dglenn.com
Mon Apr 9 15:51:58 PDT 2018

So what is the status of VR camera to be used in OSG in 2018?
I know that Khonos has the OpenXR project that as far as I know is taking over the OpenVR idea. 

I don't think anything has been established in terms of a SDK for it yet, but I could be wong! 

The way I see it: it would be a self motivated double camera for a start. Add the controlers after that for ancer points for hands + plus a call back for contol actions later. 

For somthing like OSG, you what to keep it low level and simple for maximum flexibility. 

So, does anyone got anything like that I can Play with and make some proof of concept demo?

Time to shine!  

D Glenn

David Glenn
D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.

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