[osg-users] osgshadow.cpp option --sv (ShadowVolume) not working

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 23:14:54 PDT 2018

Hi Hartwg,

On 2 April 2018 at 22:31, Hartwig Wiesmann <hartwig.wiesmann at skywind.eu> wrote:
> I found out that no indices are generated for the occluder geometry. Though I do not know if this is required.
> Furthermore, TriangleCollector (inside OccluderGeometry) defines _tempoaryTriangleVertices but I could not find anywhere a statement that actually assigns anything to the list.

Thanks for looking into this regression.

Yesterday I checked the 3.4 branch and it works a bit more than
3.6/master so I compared changes the ShadowVolume.cpp and header but
found nothing likely to cause this regression.  Next stop to look into
change to OccluderGeometry.

The main changes to ShadowVolume will likely have been part of the
CoverityScan issue fixing sessions, perhaps a "fix" actually broke


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