[osg-users] OpenGL error when using TextureBuffer

Glenn Waldron gwaldron at gmail.com
Mon May 22 07:14:00 PDT 2017

When using an osg::TextureBuffer, be sure to call setTextureAttribute(...)
instead of setTextureAttributeAndModes(...).

Glenn Waldron

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Marius Dransfeld <
marius.dransfeld at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm getting the following error when using osg::TextureBuffer (current OSG
> git):
> Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after applying GLMode
> 0x8c2a
> According to CodeXL this occurs because glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER) is
> called. Looks like this is a bug in OSG?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Marius
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=70952#70952
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