[osg-users] Drawing large number of labels

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 00:58:51 PDT 2017

HI Andrew,

On 31 March 2017 at 01:12, Andrew Cunningham <andrewC at mac.com> wrote:
> Hi,  I am looking for suggestion on how to efficiently draw 'large' ( aka many thousands) numbers of 'labels' or 'string markers'
> Typically these are short numeric strings. Instancing a osgText object for each label is likely to be very inefficient

The osgPairo project that Chris mentioned is a merge of
osgPango/osgCairo that I made to make it simpler to build and easier
to adapt the internal subgraphs it creates for rendering, osgPairo and
osgPango in their native form run much slower than osgText so on it's
own would be a step back performance/scalability-wise, the approach
take is to trade visual quality and flexibility with performance so I
wouldn't recommend using it as is.

I haven't benchmarked it for thousands of labels but over the last
month I did a rewrite of the internals of osgText to facilitate usage
with vertex array objects that are required under some recent GL
variants.  The new osgText classes are now utilise vertex arrays
properly and push significantly less state changes than before so
should be more efficient.

What it may be worth doing is performance test using osgText as is,
then osgText in OSG master just to see if ether work well enough in
your usage case.  If they do then job done.

If they don't then the most efficient way to do thousands of labels is
to use create osg::Geometry that geographically batch quads from
multiple labels.  I have used this approach to take the osgPairo text
and build it into a form that is most efficient for rendering and it
allowed us to massively cut the CPU and GPU overhead associated with
osgPairo text - it was several orders of magnitude faster, ten's of
thousands of labels on screen at 60Hz isn't a problem.

However, the batching code was for a client and not open source so
it's not something one can leverage beyond the knowledge that the
approach works well. There a number of other approaches you could take
creative use of shaders, they are unlikely to perform better than the
batching approach and require greater investment in
design/development/testing.  If you need to dynamically update the
text labels on a per frame basis then coming up with a shader approach
that generates the labels from within
vertex/tessellation/geometry/fragment shader combination will likely
be worth it.

All the alternative approaches to just osgText are progressively more
expensive to write so I'd suggest just benchmarking what things are
like using osgText both older and the OSG master versions, let us know
how things scale and if things need to improve we can guide you in the
right direction.  When bencharking, try to create a representative
test for your usage case, benchmark with a release build, vsync off,
look at overall frame rate, but in particular the views that cause the
most performance issues.  For problem areas create a specific
benchmark.  For instance one can use an osg::CameraPath written out to
disk and then reloaded and replayed by the
osgGA::CameraPathManipulator, different paths can test different view
combinations.  You can then use the same set of paths for testing as
try various approach to check progress.

When looking at benchmarking the overall framerate is coarse indicator
of problem, it doesn't tell you the cause, for the cause you'll need
to look at full on-screen stats provided by the OSG's StatsHandler,
the update, event, cull, draw dispatch and draw GPU are elements that
may be bottlenecks, the larges of these will be the area you'll want
to concentrate on first.


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