[osg-users] Crash in latest osg used in osgearth on iOS (possibly other platforms)

Thomas Hogarth thomas.hogarth at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 06:53:48 PDT 2017


So I've run into an issue with recent versions/commits of osg. I've been
working on a GLES3 port of osgearth and everything was going smoothly. Then
recently I started experiencing an extremely intermittent crash. The
debugger would never return any useful information (tried all sorts of
things) and it only seemed to occur if osgearth was paging stuff in with
the database pager.

After a lot of fiddling around I eventually had to roll back my osg version
to this one

Rolled back to this commit in osg

Which also required a revert on osgearth as they had made changes to
support the new linesegment intersection stuff.

That's about all the information there is, not much I know but all I can
say is between that commit above and the current head (well head as of
about 2 weeks ago, i did roll back a few commits first up to the point that
the linesegment triangle functor stuff was added but it was still crashing)
a crash has started occurring with no reliable way of reproducing it.

Is there anything that might spring to mind that could be the cause?

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