[osg-users] Integrating joystick in a application with osgGraphicsWindowQt

Francesco Argese kekko84 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 01:56:04 PDT 2017

I'm trying to integrate the example osgdirectinput example to handle
the joystick events in an application written using osg and Qt and
having osgGraphicsWindowQt.

When I try to retrieve GraphicsWindowWin32 I ob through the following
code I obtain NULL.

osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32* windowWin32 =
_camera->getGraphicsContext() );

Can you suggest me the best practices to integrate joystick in an
application of usch type? Do examples exist related to this scenario?

The version of OSG I'm using is 3.0.1 while the Qt version is 4.7.3.


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