[osg-users] Failed to build openscenegraph on Alpine

Roberto Oliveira rdutra at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Jun 27 09:00:14 PDT 2017


I was able to build it using Qt4, to do so I added 
-DDESIRED_QT_VERSION=4 flag to cmake command and it worked.


On 06/27/2017 11:08 AM, Alberto Luaces wrote:
> Roberto Oliveira writes:
>> Alberto,
>> The build worked fine in Alpine Linux x86_64, but when I tried to buid
>> in Alpine Linux ppc64le, I got the following error:
>> /home/alpine/aports/testing/openscenegraph/src/OpenSceneGraph-3.4.0/include/osgQt/Version:8:2:
>> error: #error "Qt version mismatch detected! Make sure to compile
>> applications using osgQt with the same major Qt version that osgQt has
>> been compiled against."
>> In both Alpine x86_64 and ppc64le qt 4.8.7 is the available version.
>> Any clue why it is failing?
> Hi Roberto,
> Looking at that file,
> #define OSGQT_QT_VERSION 5
> #include <QtGlobal>
> #error "Qt version mismatch detected! Make sure to compile applications using osgQt with the same major Qt version that osgQt has been compiled against."
> #endif
> ...it seems that despite the message, it is only going to work if Qt≥5.
> Your best bet is to try to disable osgQt altogether.

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