[osg-users] How to add hello world/additional project to existing compiled OSG

sangjingrui sangjingrui at 163.com
Mon Jun 12 20:53:50 PDT 2017

I think the problem you encountered is to set up a developing environment to facilitate your application development. There are many referring material you can get to finish this job. I recommend you to read OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Beginner's Guide or OpenSceneGraph Quick Start Guide to guide you to do it.
If you want combine you OSG with visual sudio you should take 3 steps:
(1) Compile the OSG (you have finished it)
(2) deploy OSG to your computer system, including OSG/bin, OSG/lib and OSG/include all files be copied to a disk file fold you selected, then you should modify the environment variables (you should have done this)
(3) add your project with OSG include path, OSG lib path and the libs that your project need
The details you can find in both books above.
                                                                                                                              Jinrui Sang

At 2017-06-12 18:26:07, "Muniraj Sunderavel" <munirajs at hcl.com> wrote:
>I managed to compile the source Openscenegraph-3.4 using cmake-2.8 and visual studio-2013. Now I need to add a helloworld project or additional project to the existing compiled version. I am able to run example projects but not aware how to add additional project files. Is setting environmental variable must. 
>Can anyone help me regarding it
>Thank you
>Read this topic online here:
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