[osg-users] Diaplay problem in MFC with OSG

tianzjyh tianzjyh at 126.com
Sat Jun 10 03:49:05 PDT 2017

    could you specify how do you combine osg with mfc? this should help us understand more about your problem you encountered.
    another way is to find some examples which also combine osg and mfc on the internet to compare with your own,  maybe you will get some clue.



At 2017-06-10 17:43:50, "sangjingrui" <sangjingrui at 163.com> wrote:

Thank you for your patience of reading this mail.
I am a beginner on OSG. When I run the OSG MFC example of OSG under WIN10, I found the image on viewport was not ideal. There are something wrong! But I don't know how to adjust MFC view to coordinate with OSG and to solve this problem. the picture below is the broken and shaking view of OSG MFC example.  
I will be very appreciate if you can give me some directions! Thank you again!

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