[osg-users] OSG on Universal Windows Platform

Lorenzo Valente oneiros.valente at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 01:59:25 PST 2017


I'm trying to compile OSG for the Universal Windows Platform (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/get-started/whats-a-uwp).
At the moment it looks to me like a pretty big challenge, considering that UWP limits the use of some classic desktop API (on which OSG relies).
In UWP it is not possible to use many CRT functions (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj606124.aspx), like getenv() for example.
Also, the OpenThreads Win32 library seems completely unusable, since it relies on many features not supported on UWP.

Is there any workaround for these problems?

Thank you!


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