[osg-users] [Toward DrawElementBaseVertex as drawcall]

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 15:34:15 PST 2017

Hi all,
Excuse me to return on an old debate but I can't achieve VAO sharing with the current design...I really need an easy way for drawing with basevertices

To argue on the utility of VAO sharing among geometries, and (so on the replacement DrawElements to DrawElementBaseVertex as draw submission command): 

1)GPU Pro 4 : Evaluating drawcall cpu overhead and GPU Draw Submission Limitations 
2)Performances of my VAO proposal  have conforted me in facts vaos should be shared and draw calls should be submitted with basevertex.
1VAO/Geom  DrawCost 4 
shared VAOs  DrawCost 2 
(My VAO proposal contains a little overhead that can be easily deported to a NodeVisitor)

I would like other sentiments on the subject


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