[osg-users] Thoughts on Vulkan

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Tue Feb 14 08:13:29 PST 2017

I just wanted to mention that Jeremy ("osgWidget", "osgCairo", "osgPango")
has been working on a scene graph named Heirograph with similar design
goals. There is already an OpenGL ES2 backend implementation and our goal
is, similar to Robert's, to make a Vulkan and a desktop non-FFP OGL3+ or
OGL4 backend as well.

It is based on modern C++11 and has a basic model loader based on Assimp.

It can even already render some things. ;)

There is no OSG-to-Heirograph loader/converter (yet), but Paul Martz
already did one of those with his earlier "JAG" OSG3+ scenegraph project,
so it wouldn't be difficult.
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