[osg-users] Thoughts on Vulkan

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 10:26:45 PST 2017

On 11 February 2017 at 12:15, Max Maslov <maxmaslov.kras at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for answer. So, when you plan to start developing of Vulkan scene graph? Maybe after 3.6?  :)

My plan is complete the OSG-3.6 stable release and then move to the
new scene graph.

My intention is for the core of the new scene graph to be API
agnostic, then have backends for Vulkan,  OpenGL and OpenGL ES.

The focus will be primarily on Vulkan in terms of making sure the
design of the scene graph fully leverage what Vulkan is capable of.
Until we get an implementation going I can't say exactly how this will
impact the OpenGL/ES side.  The new scene graph needs to be relevant
to application developers for the next 15+ years, taking over the
"mantel" from the OSG is this respect ;-)


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