[osg-users] [build] OSG with OpenGL ES 2.0 and Angle

Alistair Baxter alistair at mve.com
Fri Feb 3 02:46:20 PST 2017

I'm afraid I never got as far as building for WinRT or UWP, though that's what I had intended when I set out on the ANGLE path with Qt.

I chickened out, when faced with the prospect of having to eliminate disallowed API usage from the likes of GDAL and osgEarth, as well as OSG. And the announcement of the desktop app bridge for the Windows store meant that I didn't even need to bother for the Windows port of our tablet app.

There has been no seriously concerted effort that I'm aware of to make a UWP build of osg, but I'd love to see one. I'd have liked to try and fix even just ANGLE support for desktop Windows, and get that submitted to the project, but I didn't have the time and I'm not working on our tablet project at the moment.

A brief bit of searching suggests that Microsoft have a special version of CMAKE for UWP projects, although it's not clear how much if any of that's been reintegrated into  the parent project. I'm not sure if that might help.

-----Original Message-----

Thank you for the answer!
So I tried to compile it osg with Angle, I edited the CMakeList so that I can add the OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR and OPENGL_LIBRARY, because they where enabled only on Android builds. So I did the compiation done. After that, I switched the project type to Universal windows platform by adding the CMAKE variables CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=WindowsStore CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.
The big prolem is that I need to compile for Universal Windows App, and this type of project has lot of APIs disabled by the UWP behaviour. A lot of function that osg use are forbidden... I don't understand if I'm doing something wrong or if osg is just incompatible. 

for Alistair Baxter: when you compiled with angle have you compiled for UWP? 

Did anyone has compiled for Universal Windows App?
I need to port an existing osg application to Hololens.


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