[osg-users] osgText::Text display issue (only white boxes rendered)

Helmut Puhr eskay187 at gmx.at
Sun Dec 31 01:25:20 PST 2017

  thank you for your reply, and sorry for my late response (holidays).

I have made a "simple" example of the bug in form of a standalone program, which is based on the osgpointsprites, osghud examples and the osgEarthQt Viewer.

You'll also see the the point sprite textures are not rendered correctly (near Africa), as the whole texture is rendered as a simple white rectangle. I assumed this to be related to the same error, so I added it.

What I should have mentioned previously is that of course the examples themselves (on their own) work fine, but if they are combined in the way as I have done something weird is going on, and since I am not a graphics specialist I am somewhat out of my depth.

If it should turn out that the osgEarthQt usage/lib is the issue, then I guess I'll have to apologize for reporting in the wrong forum. I just started posting here since the rendering error showed when using code based on osg examples.

To build the example, just run "cmake .." in the build folder and run it in the "build/bin" folder (some data files are stored there that are used). You'll also need to have osgEarth (2.8) installed and an active internet connection to load the map data.

The attached files are to code/data files and a screenshot of how it looks in my setup.

Again, thank you for your support. If I can give further information please let me know.


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