[osg-users] [osgAnimation::TransformHardware]bug in osg::Uniform ?

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 15:37:06 PDT 2017

I spend a lot of time debugging osgAnimation::TransformHardware.
It appears that the bonepalette (mat4array uniform) is not correctly uploaded (even if I fill it with identity, i continue to have strange matrices in the shader)
I added a lot of stuff to debug it like methods to limit the size of the bonepalette but it seams not linked (the bug occurs for a mesh with 2xmat4 uniform!!?)
I replaced the uniform with a UBO and all work now, but it still is very frustrating not to understand why the uniform is bad
Do anyone experience the same stuff?
I debug the call to glUniformMatrix4fv and all seams to be good at first glance
Could It be a driver issue?
NVIDIA 381.22 on a GT440

Any tought would be welcome

Thank you!


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