[osg-users] Specifying the GL context version to request

Sandro Mani manisandro at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 10:50:39 PDT 2017

Hi Robert

> Having the the OSG to worry about is enough for my little brain, I 
> can't comment on the specifics of 3rd party software that builds upon 
> it.  osgEarth has evolved alot over the years, the Capabilities 
> functionality is something I'm not familiar with at all.  All I can 
> say in general is that one would typically check for functionality 
> supported by the driver once a graphics context has been created, if 
> one did create a dummy context just testing functionality then you'd 
> want to make sure it's created with the same settings as you create 
> the final viewer windows.
> If osgEarth doesn't do this then it's something to take up with the 
> osgEarth team,
That's a good enough answer for me, ultimately I just want to understand 
what needs to be fixed where. From your answer I gather that OSG should 
be okay now and that I'll take up the rest with osgEarth upstream.

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