[osg-users] Please test OpenSceneGraph-3.4 in prep for 3.4.1

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Fri Aug 18 08:43:19 PDT 2017

Hi Nickolai,

On 18 August 2017 at 15:41, Nickolai Medvedev <raizel.dev at yandex.ru> wrote:

> Maybe, all problems in driver. Although, with OSG 3.4.0 everything works
> fine.

I had some feedback from another user who's recreated it.

I've also been reviewing changes to StatsHandler.cpp in the 3.4 branch and
master and spotted a fix that was in master relating to the
BlockDrawCallback that wasn't in the 3.4 branch.  The fix was to introduce
a dynamic_cast and a if (ptr) check to avoid a static_cast<> and
DrawArrays::setCount().   This fix was relating to a crash as well,
reviewing the wider code just now I've workout that this fix isn't the most
appropriate way to address the issue - just removing the setCount() code
completely looks to be right thing to do as the primitive set is now
DrawElementsUShort rather a DrawArrays that is was back in 3.4.0.

Could you update to OpenSceneGraph-3.4 and let me know if this fixes the
issue.  Fingers crossed.


> My computer data:
> NVidia GeForce 640M
> OpenGL Driver version: 365.19
> It is necessary, that someone else has checked up a branch 3.4.1 on Visual
> Studio. If on another computer everything will work well, then the problem
> is with my drivers or configuration.
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=71452#71452
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