[osg-users] Invisible light points

Andreas Ekstrand andreas.ekstrand at remograph.com
Fri Aug 18 00:30:20 PDT 2017

Did someone manage to reproduce this problem? Any suggestions are 
welcome, I really don't understand what's happening here...

On 2017-08-04 13:12, Andreas Ekstrand wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently moved from OSG 3.2.1 to 3.5.6 and now I have problems with 
> light points going invisible if rendered together with other geometry.
> I managed to reproduce in a small test case - have a look at the 
> attached lp and lp_poly models (both in 3.5.6 osgt and deprecated osg 
> which I find easier to debug). With 3.5.6, I can only see the light 
> points in the lp model and not in the lp_poly model - any idea why?
> I tried disabling culling, changing render binds, removing all 
> StateSets in the osg files. No matter what, it seems the geode causes 
> the light points to be invisible. How can I fix this?
> Regards,
> Andreas
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