[osg-users] Please test OpenSceneGraph-3.4 in prep for 3.4.1

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 13:04:02 PDT 2017

Hi Nickolai,

On 17 August 2017 at 20:53, Nickolai Medvedev <raizel.dev at yandex.ru> wrote:

> I checked. Now everything builded is fine.
> There was another problem. When i run StatsHandler, the program crashes. I
> use GL2 settings.

This sounds like a regression.

Could you provide a stack trace for the crash?

Could you try testing the stats handler via a standard OSG example like
osgviewer and then running it with various threading models i.e.

  osgviewer cow.osgt --SingleThreaded
  osgviewer cow.osgt --CullDrawThreadPerContext
  osgviewer cow.osgt --DrawThreadPerContext

And bring up the stats in each case a let me know if there is difference in
behaviour, this should give more of clue as to what might be causing the

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