[osg-users] setAttribute / Material issue

Paul Bigeon osgforum at tevs.eu
Thu Aug 17 07:59:24 PDT 2017

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your answer !

I'm still investigating on the way you described me, and I've considered the issue the other way around and tried to remove every code that could color the nodes by setting their material attribute and also delibaretely changed the osg::Material defined in my code to a different color in order to identify the faulty function, but the problem is still there, and the colored nodes are still the same.

At this point i'm pretty sure that there is no more code that is coloring my nodes nor material in my code that is defined as "blue", yet those blue nodes are still appearing.

I'm using a third party library to convert my geometric data directly into nodes, and i'm thinking that this lib could put some material on the converted nodes, is there a way for me to reset the material attribute of a node ?

Maybe like this ? 

node_stateset->setAttribute(new osg::ref_ptr< osg::Material >(), osg::StateAttribute::ON);

Or do I have to check for setcolorArray and setsecondaryColorArray of all my nodes ?

Again, thank you for your intereset in my case.


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