[osg-users] Feedback/guidance sought on move of osgQt out into it's own project/repository

tom spencer blobfish at gmx.com
Wed Sep 14 12:07:22 PDT 2016


Here is my attempt to help. Here is a command that I have put together that seems to be accomplishing the task. from 14240 commits to 1204.

git filter-branch \
    --prune-empty \
    --index-filter '
        git ls-tree -z -r --name-only --full-tree $GIT_COMMIT \
        | grep -z -v "^AUTHORS.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^ChangeLog" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeLists.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^CTestConfig.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^LICENSE.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^NEWS.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^README.md" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/cmake_uninstall.cmake.in" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/ListHandle.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/ModuleInstall.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/OsgCPack.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/OsgCPackConfig.cmake.in" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/OsgDetermineCompiler.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/OsgMacroUtils.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^CMakeModules/UtilityMacros.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^doc/Doxyfiles/all_Doxyfile" \
        | grep -z -v "^doc/Doxyfiles/auto_Doxyfile" \
        | grep -z -v "^doc/Doxyfiles/auto_Mainpage" \
        | grep -z -v "^doc/Doxyfiles/core_Doxyfile" \
        | grep -z -v "^doc/Doxyfiles/custom_Footer.html" \
        | grep -z -v "^doc/Doxyfiles/doxyfile.cmake" \
        | grep -z -v "^examples/CMakeLists.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^examples/osgqfont" \
        | grep -z -v "^examples/osgQtBrowser" \
        | grep -z -v "^examples/osgQtWidgets" \
        | grep -z -v "^examples/osgviewerQt" \
        | grep -z -v "^include/osgQt" \
        | grep -z -v "^packaging/pkgconfig/openscenegraph-osgQt.pc.in" \
        | grep -z -v "^PlatformSpecifics" \
        | grep -z -v "^src/CMakeLists.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^src/osgQt" \
        | grep -z -v "^src/osgPlugins/CMakeLists.txt" \
        | grep -z -v "^src/osgPlugins/qfont" \
        | xargs -0 -r git rm --cached -r
    ' \
    -- \

I ran this with the HEAD reset back to '489860f Updated version number to 3.5.5' and used Roberts cleanup commit as a reference. I pushed the results to 'github blobfish osgQtCleaned01'. If you want to try this command, note that it works on all branches in the repo. You might want to clone a copy of your repo to experiment with. Keeping only relevant history on individual files (like CMakeLists.txt) will be more problematic.

Thank you!


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