[osg-users] PagedLOD range for 2D image tiles

Valerian Merkling niarkoleptik at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 00:38:00 PDT 2016

Hi Bruno, 

I recently had the same thing to do ! 

To solve this, I first used a Ortho2D projection matrix for my camera.

I also change the Z value of the camera when I move it, to make it work almost as a perspective camera 
- eyepoint Z = 100 for a 1:1 zoom ratio
- eyepoint Z = 1000 for a 1:10 ratio

With this you can use the DISTANCE_FROM_EYE point configuration of the pagedLOD.

I also made my own LOD class, derivated from pagedLOD, and changed the traverse function a bit to only use the Z value of the eye point and not this position.

I hope this can help you and give you ideas !


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