[osg-users] OSG with Qt on Android fails to render anything

Andrea Bracci abc.d at hotmail.it
Mon Oct 24 02:11:17 PDT 2016


I'm trying to run a simple application using OSG + Qt on Android.

I have successfully built OSG Release 3.4.0 for Android (armeabi-v7a) and it successfully runs on Android as expected (I have run the example osgAndroidExampleGLES2 and it runs flawlessly). I have also successfully built osgQt for my Qt version 5.7.0, as well as the osgViewerQt example for Android armeabi-v7a.

However if I run osgviewerQt on my Android device (version 5.0.2, API 21) it fails to render anything, in a way similar to what I found at the following link:


In order to simplify the application I allocate a single QWidget (instead of the four ones contained in the original osgviewerQt example) loading a single osg::Node* from a file cessna.osg. I have verified that the cessna.osg file is successfully loaded through a qDebug() logging message on the value of the loaded pointer. On my Android device I see the OSG-default blue screen without any object.

As an additional information: I have successfully built and executed the Qt examples with OpenGLES on my Android device.

I have done an extensive web search but I didn't find the solution to my problem, nor anyone that successfully ran OSG + Qt on Android.

Can anyone tell me where am I wrong, or what steps shall I follow to make my OSG+Qt application to work on Android?

Thank you in advance for your kind replies!


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