[osg-users] blending with shader

Gianni Ambrosio g.ambrosio+osg at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 23:59:01 PDT 2016

Hi David,
thanks for your answer. Before reading it in detail I try to explain the overall scenario.

We have a curved screen where two (or threee) projectors must generare a unique picture.
I read a document about "Dynamic view dependent warping" and basically the operations to do are the following:
1) generate dynamic frusti
2) dynamic warping generation
3) blending

Code scenario.
A 3rd party software, that uses OSG inside, is responsible to generate the scene to be projected. And that would be enough for a single flat screen. But, as I told you, our screen is not flat and projectors are two or three. So we need to change something.
The 3rd party software allows to make such a change deriving from a Plugin base class with an interface like follows:

	virtual void config();
	virtual void update();
	virtual void preDraw(osg::Camera*);
	virtual void postDraw(osg::Camera*);

The Pluging is compiled in a dll and attached to the 3rd party software so that at runtime our implmentation is executed.

Now I need to implement points 1,2 and 3.
As far as I understood points 2 and 3 can be implemented with a shader.
I started asking point 3 that seems the easier just to understand how shaders work.

Hope this is clearer now.


Read this topic online here:

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